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England: Auxiliary Bishop of London welcomes “March of Solidarity” with migrants that started in Ventimiglia. “I applaud your courage and tenacity”

“I applaud your courage and tenacity to undertake an initiative that has been physically and emotionally challenging but also rewarding”. With these words, the Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster, Mgr. Paul McAleenan, welcomed the participants in the Solidarity March promoted by the French association “L’Auberge des Migrants” based in Calais upon their arrival in London. After 70 days, over 1470 kilometres and 59 stops, the March, which started in Ventimiglia on 30 April 2018, arrived in Hyde Park, London, yesterday. The initiative had three objectives: fighting against the shutdown of borders, against the crime of solidarity, and asking to improve the way migrants are hosted. “You have endured much in the last two months and willingly shared the hardship that is a way of life for many migrants, refugees and asylum seekers who have made this treacherous journey attempting to reach our countries in Europe”, the bishop said. “I am profoundly encouraged by your efforts to walk in solidarity to raise awareness of the plight of many vulnerable men, women and children in Europe especially at Calais. As Europeans and Christians we have a shared responsibility to make the world a better and safer environment. My own experience of meeting asylum seekers, both in Calais and in the UK, reminded me how important it is for us to ensure their God-given human dignity is recognised and celebrated”.

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