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Dicastery for Communication: Mr Ruffini (prefect), “a call that came as a surprise to me”

“My years at TV2000 have been a beautiful, exciting journey, made with extraordinary people. For this, I thank the leaders of the Italian Church who have called me, giving me their trust and support. And I thank all my colleagues (starting from news director Lucio Brunelli) who have made this possible and real, every day. These have been unforgettable days and years to me”. The prefect of the Dicastery for Communication and former director of TV2000, Paolo Ruffini, said this in a statement relayed by SIR news agency. “With the help and support of the Italian Bishops’ Conference (CEI) and of the whole Church – Mr Ruffini added – we have promoted a nice TV, a nice radio, a nice online and social world, a nice (increasingly shared) alternative to a communication which is often founded on what is not nice. I am certain that this journey will continue in the future, with even more strength”. “As for me, I often had to change roles in my life”, Mr Ruffini continued. “And start again. Always in an unexpected way. But this is by far the most unexpected of all. Pope Francis’ call came as a surprise to me. It was unexpected and for a task that is so great that it is also proof and a constant reminder of my own lowliness. In the face of this call, I cannot but always and only express my gratitude. And commit myself fully, everything I know and everything I am, to the service of a bigger project”.

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