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EU: Kurz (Chancellor of Austria), three priorities for a Europe that protects. Secure borders, reform of asylum system, no more “illegal” immigration

(Strasbourg) “Safe borders” and “fighting illegal immigration”; “keeping the welfare” and “lifestyle” gained in the EU; “peace, stability and security in the neighbouring countries”. These are the three “priorities” of the current presidency of the Council of Europe, held by Austria in these six months, which have been presented to the European Parliament gathered in Strasbourg for their plenary session by Vienna’s Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, today. The Chancellor started by saying: “Ours is a pro-European country”. Kurz spoke of a “difficult time for Europe”, which “is a project of development, peace and democracy”. He mentioned external challenges (USA, China, Russia) and Brexit (“London cannot lay down the rules”), then he stated that “living in Europe is a gift” since, as opposed to many regions across the world, “freedom, rights, democracy” are protected there. Then, part of his speech on economic competitiveness and the weightier part, starting with the presidency’s motto: “A Europe that protects”. Security, the fight against illegal immigration, the protection of the external borders are the Chancellor’s main concerns. A few words also on the reform of the Dublin system, without getting into the details of how the asylum rules should be changed. No mention of any European solidarity with Italy, which bears the heaviest burden of migration. Then, the European perspective on the Western Balkans, more aids to Africa to fight migration, yes to sanctioning Russia, with which, he states, “we must talk anyway”.

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