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Pope Francis: “to create a network” and mobilize “energies” for a “praxis that is attentive to tragic human situations”

foto SIR/Marco Calvarese

“To create a network between persons”, to mobilize “energies” for “a praxis that is compassionate and attentive to tragic human situations”, and to “build bridges”, “share ideas” and “develop forms of closeness” – this is the contribution that theological ethics can make today according to Pope Francis, who sent a message to the participants in the 3rd International Conference of “Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church” that is being held in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, from 26 to 29 July 2018 on the theme “A Critical Time for Bridge-Building: Catholic Theological Ethics Today”. “To create a network – the Pope explained – between persons on the various continents who, with different modalities and expressions, can devote themselves to ethical reflection in a theological key in an effort to find therein new and effective resources. With such resources, suitable analyses can be carried out, but more importantly, energies can be mobilized for a praxis that is compassionate and attentive to tragic human situations, and concerned with accompanying them with merciful care”. To create such a network, he noted, “it is urgent first to build bridges among yourselves, to share ideas and programmes, and to develop forms of closeness”. “This does not mean striving for uniformity of viewpoints, but rather seeking with sincerity and good will a convergence of purposes, in dialogical openness and the discussion of differing perspectives”. The Pope invited the connoisseurs of theological ethics “to be passionate for such dialogue and networking”. “This approach can inspire analyses that will be all the more insightful and attentive to the complexity of human reality. You yourselves will learn ever better how to be faithful to the Word of God which challenges us in history, and to show solidarity with the world, which you are not called to judge but rather to offer new paths, accompany journeys, bind hurts and shore up weakness”.

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