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France: Mass for Father Hamel two years after his murder. Mgr. Lebrun (Rouen), “faithful servant” in the Church and in town

Padre Jacques Hamel

A Mass in remembrance of Father Jacques Hamel who was knifed to death while celebrating Mass two years ago was held in Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray this morning, in the same church and at the same time Fr. Hamel was murdered while celebrating the Eucharist. The Mass today was presided over by the Archbishop of Rouen, Dominique Lebrun. “Father Hamel has been a shining example of a faithful and discreet servant, in the heart of the family, of his parish, and of this town”. And he went on to say: “Have we sufficiently welcomed what Jacques Hamel wanted to convey? We may be strongly tempted to reinvent life. It is the temptation of pride”. In the meantime, the process for the canonisation of the priest has begun. The Postulator of the cause is Father Paul Vigouroux. Mgr. Lebrun said this morning that hundreds of homilies written by Father Hamel, “brief, neat, which simply and tirelessly explain the Gospel”, have been found. As reported by the daily La Croix, at about 9.55, after giving communion, Mgr. Lebrun paused and said: “According to eyewitnesses, it was at that very point during mass that the tragedy took place”. That was followed by a long moment of silence. Attending Mass was also the sister of the murdered priest, Roselyne Hamel. After the celebration, the square of Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray hosted the “Republican ceremony for peace and brotherhood” at 10.30am.

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