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Spain: Mgr. Barrio (Santiago de Compostela), “showing our Christian identity with humility, consistency and responsibility”

Today the whole of Spain is celebrating the Feast of its patron saint, St James. “We give thanks for the protection of our patron saint and ask that we always be willing to listen to and do what God asks of us!” – the message published this morning on the bishops’ website reads. The highlight of the day was the celebration of Mass in the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, presided over by Archbishop Julian Barrio. By venerating St James, “who gave meaning to our history by his evangelizing mission, we recall that our culture has been shaped by the values of the Gospel”, the archbishop said in his homily. In a context marked by uncertainty, “we are called to show our Christian identity with humility, consistency and responsibility”, even though “the straitjacket of prejudice sometimes prevents us from acknowledging that God takes care of his creatures”, Mgr. Barrio told a cathedral packed with pilgrims. This is “a time of grace for us to rediscover that God has not deprived us of his Providence”. Indeed, “God’s goodness is the foundation of our dignity and freedom in all circumstances”. At the end of the celebration, the 53-kilogram censer “botafumeiro” was swung by the “tiraboleiros” at a height of 22 metres through the transept of the cathedral.

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