Reform of the Curia: Card. Becciu, “complex structure, not easy, but no opposition”

“It is not easy to reform the Curia because it is a centuries-old, complex structure. It is not governed just by a simple regulation, or Canon Law. There is also a complex tradition”. Newly-minted Cardinal Giovanni Angelo Becciu, Vatican substitute secretary of state and next prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, said this as he took the floor on the last day of the celebrations for the anniversary of the Italian daily “Avvenire” in the Italian town of Melfi yesterday evening. “While carrying out a reform, you can speak your mind, which does not mean you are against the reform, you just contribute your ideas”, the cardinal added. There have been many times when some, not the Pope, wanted to do things quickly in a sort of “vacatio legis”, but you cannot reform this way. You cannot pretend there is no law”. This was seen from the outside as “the Curia being opposed, yet there was only disagreement about the way the reform should be carried out. Once the law was passed, the Curia was the first to obey”. Regarding the reduction in the number of dioceses called for by Pope Francis, the cardinal said that he is “very sensitive” on this issue. “If the reform is not a source of growth but of disappointment, once again the Pope will postpone it”. Finally, responding to a question about holy political leaders, Card. Becciu reiterated that “becoming a politician means serving the people”. “Catholics must return to politics and make use of that heritage of values which the Church has offered in various ways and make it fruitful”.

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