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Spain: Card. Osoro (Madrid), “practice silence and the culture of encounter” in summer

The culture of encounter “should lead us to something as simple as imitating the style of Jesus: by living with, listening to, and staying close to people”: Cardinal Carlos Osoro, Archbishop of Madrid, wrote this in his weekly newsletter entitled “At the school of the culture of encounter”. “Make space for silence in your life and in your heart – Cardinal Osoro said -, and use summer as an opportunity to find spaces and places where you can listen to these big questions that every human being feels emerging from within him or herself”. Silence, he continued, “does not make slaves. Slavery comes from noise, from the ready-made answers given to us. We are often afraid of silence and experiencing it for the first time may give us a sense of vertigo, but when we experience it, it is like oxygen to our human lives”. The cardinal concluded by inviting the faithful to “engage in dialogue with God” through prayer, and to “listen to the Word of God”.

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