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Church in Germany: in 2017, €602 million allocated to social and pastoral projects worldwide

In 2017, the German Catholic Church, made up of 27 dioceses as well as of organisations, associations and missionary orders, donated €602 million in support of missionary and social projects worldwide, that is, 2 million more than in the previous year. This figure does not include the administrative costs of the associations involved, as announced today in the annual report by “Universal Church”, a network of institutions that work internationally. The money comes mainly from “donations and collections, Church taxes and state subsidies”. However, it is impossible to calculate the money that many parishes, associations and Catholic schools are investing in initiatives aimed at supporting local partners worldwide. This “network” includes associations such as Caritas, Renovabis, Missio or Misereor, Bonifatiuswerk or the Christmas initiative “Sternsinger”. Also, both in its annual assembly in June in Wurzburg and in the report itself, “Universal Church” dedicated special attention to the “situation of religious freedom”. Indeed, the Report provides examples of violation and infringement of individual rights, in the awareness that “when religious freedom is limited, so too are other human rights, like freedom of thought or freedom of association” for instance.

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