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Migrants: mgr. Grech (Gozo), “we cannot remain silent and indifferent”

“Understandably, there may be no easy solutions for this huge emergency that is taking place all around us. But, inspired by God’s Word and by the example of Our Lord Jesus Christ, I think that, as a believing community, we cannot remain silent and indifferent to this tragedy that is affecting our country and the European Union”. It is, once again, mgr. Mario Grech, Bishop of Gozo (Malta), who takes position in support of “the poor of our times”: the “migrants who for some reason leave their country for a better future”. He had already done it last Sunday and he repeated it in a letter to the devotees of Gozo, which was read at Mass on Saturday 14th and on Sunday 15th July and which mgr. Grech had sent to SIR himself. In his letter, the Bishop takes inspiration from St Paul to say that “the celebration of the Eucharist loses all its meaning and efficacy if the poor are ignored and humiliated”, so “we cannot partake of the Eucharist to open our hearts to Christ and at the same time close them to those who suffer”. In particular, the Bishop urged the devotees to support the Jesuit Refugee Service in Malta: “Even if our actions were just a drop in the ocean, we would still take part in the efforts of this Jesuit charity in support of the poor of our times”. Such generous gestures give “deeper meaning to our Eucharistic celebrations”.

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