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Comece: “Laudato si’” and environmental issues, religious freedom, pluralist economics in the online monthly magazine Europeinfos

(Brussels) “With the Laudato si’, Pope Francis managed to spark off a wide-ranging dialogue between the political and economic worlds on one side, and society on the other side”. This has been written by the Jesuit father Martin Majer in the leading article on the June issue of Europeinfos, the monthly magazine of the Commission of the EU Bishops Conferences (Comece), mentioning the Synod for the pan-Amazon Region in Autumn 2019, in “Amazonia: new paths for the Church and for integral ecology”, and the forthcoming UN conference on climate change (Cop 24) in Katowice in 2018, as the key steps to move closer to “creating a fairer and more sustainable world order”. The Cop24 shall “make sure the reduction in Co2 emissions that the countries have committed to achieving are well balanced with each other and may result in more important climate-protecting efforts”, as well as “making progress in the budgets allocated by the industrial countries to assist the poorer countries in coping with the consequences of climate change”. On Europeinfos, there is also an article by Gregor Puppink about the Icelandic law to ban circumcision, which, among other things”, would be “a breach of the European and international law that protects freedom of religion and the parental right to control the religious education of their children”. Thomas Miessen’s article explains the concept of “new economic democracy” or “pluralist economics”, while Norbert Mette writes about the global ban on nuclear weapons (

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