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EU Commission: 100 billion over 7 years for research to “tackle issues that affect our daily lives”

(Brussels) Allocating €100 billion to research and innovation over seven years: this is the proposal put forward by the European Commission to the two budgetary authorities of the EU, i.e. the Parliament and the Council, in the context of the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027. “A new programme – Horizon Europe – will build on the achievements and success of the previous research and innovation programme (Horizon 2020) – as explained today at the Berlaymont, the Commission’s headquarters – and keep the EU at the forefront of global research and innovation”. Horizon Europe is intended to be the “most ambitious research and innovation programme ever”. Commission Vice-President Jyrki Katainen said: “Investing in research and innovation is investing in Europe’s future. EU funding has allowed teams across countries and scientific disciplines to work together and make unthinkable discoveries, making Europe a world-class leader in research and innovation. With Horizon Europe, we want to build on this success and continue to make a real difference in the lives of citizens and society as a whole”. Horizon Europe should introduce some new features for research EU-wide: a European Innovation Council; new EU missions focusing on “societal challenges and industrial competitiveness” (tackling “issues that affect our daily lives, from the fight against cancer, to clean transport or plastic-free oceans”); and a new generation of European partnerships.

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