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Austria: Wiener Neusdtadt, the city hosting “Jesus in the city”, prayers, parties and missions for young people

From June 7th to 10th, young people and mission will take centre stage at “Jesus in the city”, an event held in the centre of the university and academic city of Wiener Neustadt, a city of historical relevance as the seat of the House of Habsburg: it will be invaded by thousands of young people for three days inspired by the World Youth Days. The “Jesus in the city” event will be looking at the mission as at a lifestyle. “We want to bring the view and spirit of the WYD into the scholarly city of Wiener Neustadt”, said mgr. Stephan Turnovszky, bishop in charge of the youth pastoral service for the Bishops Conference, who sees the event as a chance to inspire students to believe in and combine mission, social work and study. In 15 different events, these young people will have a chance to meet people: “’Jesus in the city’ will be a sharing of the faith”, the Austrian Catholic Youth (Kj), the Jakob coordination of Vienna and Missio Austria, which organise the event starting on June 7th at 07.30 pm with an introductory joint prayer and the blessing of the missionaries, announced in a release. On Saturday morning, mgr. Turnovszky will officiate Mass, then all the events will start, such as the “Prayer Walk”, a walking prayer through the streets of the city, or the “Strassenapostolat”, a number of tents in the key spots of the city, where people can meet the city’s socially disadvantaged people. The programme will also include a visit to the Hirtenberg jail and have meetings with the convicts. The archbishop of Vienna, card. Christoph Schönborn, will officiate “Mercy Night”.



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