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Pope Francis: Mass for Sts Peter and Paul, recognise the “whisperings” of the evil one. No to “empty forms of triumphalism”


“To proclaim our faith with our lips and our heart demands that we – like Peter – learn to recognize the ‘whisperings’ of the evil one”. Pope Francis said this in his homily during the Mass he celebrated in St Peter’s Square on the occasion of the Solemnity of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, patron saints of the city of Rome. According to Pope Francis, we must learn “to discern and recognize those personal and communitarian ‘pretexts’ that keep us far from real human dramas, that preserve us from contact with other people’s concrete existence and, in the end, from knowing the revolutionary power of God’s tender love”. By not separating his glory from the cross, the Pontiff explained, “Jesus wants to liberate his disciples, his Church, from empty forms of triumphalism: forms empty of love, service, compassion, empty of people. He wants to set his Church free from grand illusions that fail to sink their roots in the life of God’s faithful people or, still worse, believe that service to the Lord means turning aside from the dusty roads of history”.

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