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Pope Francis: Mass for Sts Peter and Paul, God’s love demands that we reach out to everyone “even though this may cost us our good name and martyrdom”

(Foto Siciliani-Gennari/SIR)

“Like Peter, we too can confess with our lips and our heart not only what we have heard, but also concretely experienced in our lives. We too have been brought back to life, healed, renewed and filled with hope by the anointing of the Holy One”. Pope Francis said this at the beginning of his homily during the Mass he celebrated in St Peter’s Square to mark the Solemnity of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, patron saints of the city of Rome. Reflecting on St. Peter’s liberation from prison, the Pontiff noted that “God’s Anointed kept bringing the Father’s love and mercy to the very end”. This merciful love “demands that we too go forth to every corner of life, to reach out to everyone, even though this may cost us our ‘good name’, our comforts, our status… even martyrdom”. “To contemplate Peter’s life and his confession of faith – Pope Francis remarked – also means learning to recognize the temptations that will accompany the life of every disciple. Like Peter, we as a Church will always be tempted to hear those ‘whisperings’ of the evil One, which will become a stumbling stone for the mission”. “I speak of ‘whispering’ because the devil seduces from hiding, lest his intentions be recognized”.

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