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Pope Francis: Consistory, “what does it profit us to gain the whole world if we are corroded by palace intrigues?”. No “fruitless and self-referential discussions”

“What does it profit us to gain the whole world if we are corroded within? What does it profit us to gain the whole world if we are living in a stifling atmosphere of intrigues that dry up our hearts and impede our mission? Here, as someone has observed, we might think of all those palace intrigues that take place, even in curial offices”. Pope Francis drew this comparison between the times of the Apostles and our times in his homily for the Consistory that is taking place in St Peter’s Basilica. “But it shall not be so among you; whoever would be great among you must be your servant” – this is Jesus’ unconventional call. “In this way, the Lord tries to refocus the eyes and hearts of his disciples, so that there will be no fruitless and self-referential discussions in the community”, Pope Francis explained. According to the Pontiff, the Lord’s response is “above all an encouragement and a challenge to his disciples to recoup their better part, lest their hearts be spoiled and imprisoned by a worldly mentality blind to what is really important”. “But it shall not be so among you”, the Pope continued. “The voice of the Lord saves the community from undue introspection and directs its vision, resources, aspirations and heart to the only thing that counts: the mission”.

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