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Churches in Europe: meeting of media officers and spokespersons of the Bishops’ Conferences. Mgr. Bràs (CCEE), “identity, trust and truth”

foto SIR/Marco Calvarese

Identity, trust and truth – these keywords should guide the communications of the European Bishops’ Conferences today. This is according to Mgr. Nuno Bras, bishop in charge of Social Communications within the Commission for Culture of the Council of the Bishops’ Conferences of Europe (CCEEE), who spoke at the end of the meeting of the media officers and spokespersons that was held in Rome. From 26 to 28 June, those responsible for the Church’s communications in Europe gathered to discuss the future of communications in the digital age and the upcoming events of the universal Church: the World Meeting of Families in Dublin and the Synod on Young People at the Vatican. “Identity, trust and truth”, Mgr. Bràs told SIR news agency, summarise the work carried out in the past few days: “In other words, we should propose a clear identity, show that, at a time when there is a general distrust in institutions, the Church is a living reality in which you can trust. This means being honest and authentic in living and communicating who we are”. In a polarized and divided Europe, our proposal is that of a clear identity, open to other views. “We must be aware of who we are”, the Bishop said: “And propose the Lord Jesus: people do not like Christians who are afraid of being Christians and do not say authentically who they are”. In these days, the spokespersons and press officers have exchanged views on how digital platforms are transforming the way we communicate. Mgr. Bràs said: “The whole digital world is a challenge for the Church. But that is where today’s man lives, and we want to be there, where today’s men and women live, to propose who we are and offer the Gospel in the logic of the gift”.

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