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Pope’s catecheses on the Eucharist: Card. Koch, “we cannot live without Sunday”

“We cannot live without Sunday. If we could not celebrate the Eucharist on Sundays, we could not live and our Christian life would die”. This is what Card. Kurt Koch, President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, wrote in the book “Incontro d’amore con Dio” (“Love Encounter with God”), to be released by the Vatican Publishing House. It gathers Pope Francis’ catecheses on the Eucharist delivered at his General Audiences from 1 October 2017 to 8 April 2018. The Pope, Card. Koch noted, “raises the crucial question of what it means for us, Christians, to approach the altar of the Lord and participate in the Eucharistic sacrifice today”; first of all, it is important that “all the members of the Church understand the true meaning of Holy Mass, both through adequate formation, and on an existential level, to be able to live our relationship with the living God ever more fully”. According to the cardinal, these catecheses on the Eucharist show that “Pope Francis carried on the tradition of his predecessors, who, since the Second Vatican Council, have repeatedly recalled the central role of the celebration of the Eucharist in the life of Christians and the Church”. His catecheses, Card. Koch continued, “remind us of the post-baptismal catecheses of the Church Fathers and reflect their mystagogical character. Just as the Church Fathers, by their catecheses, introduced the baptized to the mysteries of the faith, offering them an interpretation of specific rites, so too, for Pope Francis, it is important that the members of the Church know the holy signs used in the liturgy, to live the Eucharist fully and savour its beauty”.

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