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Pope Francis to WCC: Rev. Tveit (General Secretary), “a sign that there is only one ecumenical movement in the world”

“It is a great joy that Pope Francis has accepted our invitation to participate in the celebrations for our 70th Anniversary here, at the World Council of Churches (WCC), in Geneva”. This is what Rev. Dr Olav Fykse-Tveit, General Secretary of the WCC, told SIR news agency, commenting on the visit that Pope Francis will make to the World Council of Churches this coming 21 June. “He will come on the day when we will be meeting with our Member Churches for our Central Committee”, Rev. Tveit explained, stressing that “it is important that he comes at a time when we celebrate the results we have reached so far in the history of the WCC, working together for unity and to bring relations between the Churches to the level they are today”. “The Pope will be able to see first-hand what we do”, the WCC President stressed, adding that “his presence among us is also a sign that there is only one ecumenical movement in the world, and that the Catholic Church participates in it as a key player, highlighting the experiences of unity lived together, and the new expressions of what we do to fight together for justice and peace, and for the Gospel in the world”.

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