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Poland: Bishops, “a new Directorate for the family pastoral service and centres in support of marriage and families”

“A new Directorate for the family pastoral service will have to be worked out for the Church in Poland, based on which diocesan or metropolitan operational instructions may be built, and centres in support of marriage and families will have to be opened”. This is the commitment taken by the Polish Bishops in the conclusions of the document drawn up during the plenary meeting that took place a few days ago, in which they give “pastoral guidance in the light of the Apostolic Exhortation Amoris laetitia”. Another effort they will undertake is to “work out a programme and outline ways to train ordained ministers to work in support of devotees and in the discernment of the circumstances in which they actually live”. The pastoral service must be “close to people”, it must have “a respectful and merciful look”, but, “at the same time, it must heal, free and encourage people to grow in Christian life”. Lastly, the Bishops acknowledge that “we need to practise the art of listening”, so as to “patiently and stubbornly reawaken a longing for the Christian ideal, and find the ways that lead to genuine development and maturity”. “In addition, consecrated persons as well as lay devotees are invited to take part in such training. Since we need a lot of workers, men and women, who, all along the difficult way of listening and supporting engaged and married couples, may support the pastoral work”.

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