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Latvia: local Church prepares for Pope’s visit. Training, social media and logistics

Less than four months from the visit of Pope Francis to Latvia and his meeting with believers (24 September), preparation activities are fermenting, in terms of both logistics and contents. As for the contents, the path to the arrival of the Pope will be accompanied by five themes of his teachings, which will be proposed for reflection every month, through social media, too. The first theme is mercy. It began to be explained in May, through a series of videos and resources telling about concrete experiences of mercy, within the Catholic Church and out of it, such as the Arken Centre for Minors of the Salvation Army, or the community of the nuns of Mother Teresa in Riga. The call to reading was for the book of Pope Francis “The Name of God is Mercy”, translated into Latvian. The second proposal is ecology: with reference to the mindset of the Pope in his Laudato si’ encyclical. New videos, initiative proposals and practical suggestions have been announced. Moreover, social media include updates about the work of the setting up committee, news, words, and events linked with the current work of Pope Francis. A mini-course, one Sunday a month, on “spiritual topics”, elements of Christian history and debates are some of the proposals of the Catholic Church.


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