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EYE2018: 8,000 young Europeans in Strasbourg, debates on the future. “More Europe” and “no one should decide for us”

(Strasbourg) The work of the European Youth Event in Strasbourg has started this morning with a 2.5-hour debate in the chamber between the president of the EU Parliament, Antonio Tajani, and 751 young people (the exact number of current MEPs) sitting in the MEPs seats. The President’s speech focused on the many problems facing Europe. Topping the list was “youth unemployment” and the commitment to preventing “young minds” from being forced to leave the EU, an EU which is seen as an “inattentive mother”. Among the appeals: a call to participate in decision-making for “no one should decide for us”. The first duty of a politician is “not to frustrate the values and dreams of the youth”. The debate also touched on many topics with young people putting forward several requests: going “digital” means more democracy and participation. If traditional means such as the elections are no longer popular among young people – it was said -, we should consider new ways. Then the request, by a French participant, to establish European universities in association with European institutions, and to protect the right to “free uploading” to defend the freedom of young people to communicate and exchange; then more resources for the Erasmus+ programme and youth associations; more support for exchanges between young Europeans and young non-Europeans (this request was voiced by a participant from China), and a “European residence permit” for non-EU students.

Reference was also made to the US tariffs on steel and aluminium, with a question asking “why has no EU representative been to Washington”, like Merkel and Macron who have recently been on an official visit to the US. The debate kicked off with a special performance of the European anthem, sung a cappella by a group of young people. All requests agreed on one message: more Europe.

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