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Ecumenism: message of Card. Bagnasco (CCEE) to the general CEC assembly in Novi Sad

“This world is quite often indifferent to God, and sometimes it acts against God; testifying of Jesus is the heart of our mission. It is like that today, and it will be like that in the future of ecumenism and dialogue between Christian Churches”. Those words were written by President of CCEE Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco to Anglican Bishop Reverend Christopher Hill, President of CEC (Conferences of European Churches), on the occasion of their general assembly taking place in Novi Sad, Serbia, from 31 May to 6 June, gathering 400 delegates of 116 Orthodox, Protestant, Anglican and Old Catholic Churches from all European countries, on the subject: “You will be my witnesses”. Since Cardinal Bagnasco himself is not able to take part in the meeting, Deputy Secretary General of CCEE Father Martin Michalicek will represent the Catholic body, and will bear the greeting of the presidency and of all the bishops’ conferences in Europe. “We are all asked to follow Jesus without delay, being His witnesses”, added Bagnasco. “It is clearly shown by Pope Francis, too, through his next visit to Geneva (21 June), to the Ecumenical Council of Churches on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of its foundation”.

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