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Nuclear deal: Mogherini (EU), “very sorry about Trump’s decision”. The agreement works, we shall try to keep it

“Deep sorrow” has been expressed by the European Union at president Trump’s decision to withdraw the USA from the “Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action” (Jcpoa), the so-called Iran Nuclear Deal. It was the EU High Representative for foreign policy, Federica Mogherini, who issued a statement this morning, in which she calls the deal, “unanimously approved” by the UN Security Council, a “key factor in the global architecture of nuclear non-proliferation, which is crucial to the region’s security”, the result of 12 years of diplomatic efforts that the EU “will keep protecting along with the international community”. “As long as Iran keeps meeting its commitments about nuclear weapons, as it has done so far and as has been confirmed, in 10 consecutive reports, by the International Atomic Energy Agency, the EU will work hard for a consistent, effective implementation of the nuclear deal”, Mogherini stated. “Repealing nuclear-related sanctions is an essential part of the deal”, the High Representative explained, and the EU’s position won’t change: “Repealing the sanctions has a favourable impact on trade and economic relations with Iran”, and the EU shall “make sure this can keep happening”.

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