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Russia: mgr. Pezzi (Moscow), “Fëdor Haas saw Christ’s face in the poor and outcasts”

Rome must still acknowledge the holiness of Doctor Fëdor Haas (1780-1853) and “we’ll keep praying for this; however, we have concluded that he is truly a saint for us”. This was said by the archbishop of Moscow, mgr. Paolo Pezzi, as in the Russian Cathedral last Sunday he celebrated the end of the diocesan stage of the beatification of this man, famous for a long time as the “Holy Doctor of Moscow”. In the doctor, the traits of holiness looked like those of one who lived “in the longing for God”, humbly, “rushing to do good”, as Haas himself used to say, that is, using “the circumstances, the conditions” in which he lived to do good to his brothers, mgr. Pezzi explained. He had been “caught with an inexpressible love” and saw Christ’s face “in the poor and outcasts”. The records and evidence put together in the diocesan stage of the process, which began on January 9th 2016, “will now be submitted to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints and then to the Pope for his final decision”. The records will be carried there by Jesuit father Germani Marani, the postulator of the process that started with the collection of records and evidence back in 1995; from 1998 to 2001 the process went on the archdiocese of Cologne, where Bad Münstereifel, Haas’s birthplace, is located. During the celebration in Moscow, don Germano Marani thanked “the Catholics and Orthodox, who worked slowly but very effectively”.

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