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Press freedom: Tajani and Jagland remember Russian journalist Babchenko murdered in Kiev. “Find perpetrators and masterminds”

(Strasbourg) “A cowardly murder” and “yet another attack on the freedom of the press”: Antonio Tajani, President of the European Parliament, takes the floor in Strasbourg to remember journalist Arkady Babchenko, who was killed at his home in Kyiv in circumstances that remain unclear. The war correspondent had to leave his country after receiving multiple death threats. A war correspondent and then a journalist, he was known for his criticism of President Putin. “Babchenko – Mr Tajani said – became the target of a hatred campaign precisely because of his work. Light must be shed on his murder, to ensure that the perpetrators and the masterminds are brought to justice”. Even Thorbjørn Jagland, Secretary General of the Council of Europe, spoke on the topic: “The prominent Russian journalist Arkady Babchenko was murdered yesterday evening in Kyiv. The Council of Europe strongly condemns this brutal act. It must be fully investigated and the perpetrators quickly brought to justice. Attacks on journalists and free speech are on the rise in Europe. We must do all we can to stop this trend, which is a dangerous threat to democracy”.

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