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Vatican: Family Day on June 10th with the Super Cup finals and the first women’s football match

The Vatican Super Cup between the team of the Bambino Gesù Hospital, winner of the championship, and the team of the Vatican Museums, which triumphed in the Cup, will be played on Sunday, June 10th, at 7.00 pm. The pitch will be that of Centro Pio XI. The occasion will be the Family Day. During the Day, football championships will be played and, outside the pitch, a card-game tournament will be available for the younger ones. The games will be organised by the Vatican Employees’ Sports Club and the Vatican Women’s Association. The events will kick off in the afternoon, at 04.30 pm. “Since last year, in addition to the match, we have been wanting to organise a party, so as to bring here the families of the people who work in the Vatican and play football – Danilo Zennaro, one of the managers of the Vatican Sports Club and the organiser of the Family Day, explains –. It’s an opportunity for the employees’ children to meet new people and make friends and for colleagues from different areas to build synergisms. In addition to the playful dimension for the younger children, organised by an events agency, and for the older ones, who will play five-a-side football under the supervision of two of the Club’s coaches, this year’s new event is a women’s football match – Zennaro adds –. It will be the first ever played in the Vatican”.

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