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Cei: Russian Orthodox Patriarchate visiting Rome. CEI’s gift: a certified copy of the Holy Shroud

(Foto Siciliani-Gennari/SIR)

“Deeply touched”. It was revealed to SIR by the Metropolitan Bishop, Hilarion of Volokolamsk, leader of the Department for foreign relations of the Patriarchate of Moscow, about the gift – a certified copy of the Turin Shroud – that the Italian Bishops Conference (CEI) gave this morning to the delegation of the Russian Orthodox Patriarchate that is visiting Rome in the name of “Pilgrimage as an opportunity of theological, spiritual and cultural exchange”. “There are a lot of talks about the Holy Shroud”, the Metropolitan Bishops then said, as he received the gift. “There are some who think it is real and others who think it’s simply a medieval artefact. I think it is real. I think the shroud is the sheet that Christ was wrapped up in after His death on the Cross”. Hilarion said, mentioning how widely worshipped the “holy shroud” is in Russia.

(Foto Siciliani-Gennari/SIR)


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