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Pope Francis: “if we sell work off to consumption, the we will also sell off dignity, respect, honour and freedom”

“A real culture of work does not only mean being able to produce, it also means to be able to relate to sustainable consumption models”. If “we sell work off to consumption”, “we will also sell off all the words that are its sisters: dignity, respect, honour and freedom”: this has been pointed out by Pope Francis in an interview on “L’Eco di Bergamo” that he gave to the editor in chief, Alberto Ceresoli, today. The Pope remarks, again, that “youth unemployment is a social sin, and society is responsible for this”. The Church is making efforts in this respect, but “more can be done”: “Society needs young people, as the Church does, that’s why a Youth Synod has been decided too”, he explains, and it must be “a great exercise in the ecclesials listening” to “young people, to their stories”. “Not least, to understand how to renew ourselves as a Church in being on their side – he says – without pretending that nothing has changed for generations”.

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