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Abortion: Ireland, a referendum to make it legal held tomorrow. Mgr. Martin (primate), “say ‘no’, choose life for mothers and babies”

“The High Court explained that, if the eighth amendment is repealed, in Ireland unborn children will have no constitutional right at all. A vote to repeal the eighth amendment would then pave the way to a very free abortion system, including completely unrestricted access to abortion in the first three months of pregnancy”. This has been written by mgr. Eamon Martin, archbishop of Armagh and primate of Ireland, in his message in the run-up to the referendum, due to take place in the country tomorrow, Friday May 25th, for the legalisation of abortion. The prelate emphasises the contradiction that lies in repealing the eighth amendment, since “the equation between the mother’s life and the unborn child’s life is written in our Constitution”. “Both lives deserve to be protected from the tragedy and irreversible decision that is abortion”, he reiterates. His words suggest that “being against abortion is not something merely ‘Catholic’”. “The inborn dignity of every human life is a value for the whole of society, for people of all faiths. It is deeply rooted in reason and in faith – he adds –. Taking an innocent human life away can never be simply a personal choice”. In addition, the archbishop points out that “that little unborn child who moves its fingers or kicks in the scan is the same child who will be born and will grow through childhood, from adolescence to adulthood, through to old age”. In the light of this, he makes a call on everyone. “When on May 25th you go into the voting booth, think of two lives, the mother’s life and the baby’s life, two beating hearts; two precious lives that deserve compassion and protection”. Then, “choose life for both”. “Say ‘no’ to repealing the eighth amendment, then do all you can to make sure our country will always provide the best assistance and support it can to all mothers and to their unborn children”.

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