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Pope Francis: audience, “we all have the Spirit within us, in our hearts, in our souls. He guides us throughout our lives that we may become the right salt and light to mankind”

“The breath of the Risen Christ fills the lungs of the Church with life”. This is one of the images used by the Pope to describe the Holy Spirit, by which “the mouths of the disciples are opened to proclaim God’s mighty works to all peoples”. “Pentecost, which we celebrated last Sunday, is for the Church what the anointing of the Spirit at the Jordan was for Christ, that is to say, it is the missionary drive that impels us to give our lives for the sanctification of men and women, to the glory of God”, Pope Francis told the 15,000 faithful present in St Peter’s Square today: “Although the Spirit works in every sacrament, it is in Confirmation that, in a special way, the faithful receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit”. “As we are anointed, the Bishop says these words: ‘Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit’”, Pope Francis continued off the cuff. “The Holy Spirit is the great gift of God, and we all have the Spirit within us, in our hearts, in our souls.   The Holy Spirit guides us throughout our lives that we may become the right salt and light to mankind”. “While in Baptism it is the Holy Spirit who immerses us in Christ, in Confirmation, it is Christ who bestows His Spirit upon us, consecrating us as His witnesses, sharers in His own life and mission, in accordance with the heavenly Father’s plan”, Pope Francis recalled, focusing on the connection between the two sacraments: “Our witness as confirmed persons shall manifest our reception of the Spirit and docility to His creative inspiration”. “The question is: how can we show that we have received the Gift of the Spirit? Simply, whenever we carry out the works of the Spirit, whenever we speak the words taught by the Spirit”, he concluded: “The Christian witness is about doing only and all that the Spirit of Christ asks of us, and He grants us the strength to do this”.




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