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EU: Euro-Barometer, a survey one year before the European election. One third of citizens know the date of the election

(Brussels) One year before the next European election, an Euro-Barometer survey, commissioned by the European Parliament and conducted in April 2018 by Kantar Public on 27,601 citizens in the 28 member states, found that “60% of them think that their country’s belonging to the EU is a ‘good thing’. In addition, over two thirds of the interviewees are sure their country “has benefited from being a member of the European Union”. This is the highest rate ever recorded since 1983. Across the EU, less than one third of the interviewees already know the date of the next European election (May 23rd-26th 2019). “Generally speaking, the nomination procedure for president of the European Commission by the European political parties is perceived – the Euro-Barometer survey states – as a favourable development for democracy in Europe. “Almost one half of the interviewees said that this procedure would encourage them to vote”. Almost three quarters of the citizens wish these nominations for president of the EU Commission “might be supported by a veritable debate about European issues and the future of the EU”. Asked about which issues should be discussed during the election campaigns all over the EU, nearly one half of Europeans (49%) mentioned the fight against terrorism as a priority, followed by youth unemployment (48%), immigration (45%), as well as economy and growth (42%).


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