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EU Commission: a package of initiatives “to strengthen the role of youth, education and cultural policies”

Tibor Navracsics, commissario Ue che si occupa di cultura e giovani


(Brussels) Many are the goals that the EU Commission has set out for itself with the package of initiatives for young people, education and culture. The explicit goal is to build a European education space by 2025 and “strengthen the cultural dimension of the EU and young people’s involvement”. “The new initiatives are targeted to increase mobility for learning and educational opportunities in the EU, to provide young people with the means to act independently and responsibly, especially by encouraging them to engage in civil and democratic life, and to make the most of culture as a driver of social progress and economic growth in Europe”. The package of measures includes: a report on “Building a stronger Europe: the role of youth, education and cultural policies”, which “describes the way the EU Commission is carrying out the Gothenburg agenda”; a strategy for young people for 2019-2027 “designed to provide the means to make young Europeans independent and responsible and give them more to say in the EU policies”; ideas for CoE recommendations about: quality educational and care systems for early childhood, mutual recognition of diplomas and overseas learning, language teaching and learning. Lastly, a new cultural agenda, “aiming to raise the citizens’ awareness of the shared European cultural heritage in its diversity”.


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