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Spain: Madrid celebrates its patron saint, St Isidro. Card. Osoro, “he teaches to be people who build the Kingdom of God in life””


Looking at “the way St Isidro experienced holiness”, that is, “communion with and love of Jesus Christ”, is “a great grace for us today, because communion and love are apparent in our people, amidst us, in many ways”. Taking its cue from St Isidore the Farm Labourer, the patron saint of Madrid who is celebrated today, in the sermon for the celebration in the Spanish capital cardinal Carlos Osoro spoke of holiness, finding it in “what parents do to raise their children with love”, in “those who experience the restrictions of illness and keep smiling to all those who go near them”, in many of those who left their country and their family “to find a job that may give a present and a future to their beloved ones”; holiness is also “setting up a family”, “being a responsible employee”, fighting “for more justice, more truth, more life, more respect of human rights”, the cardinal said. Holiness comes from “choosing God, not leaving Him out, opening one’s life to Him”. For St Isidro, the “walk of holiness” went through his work in the fields. Then, the cardinal highlighted three aspects in which St Isidro’s is still relevant today: “being God’s people who build the Kingdom of God in life”; following Christ, without escaping other people, working, serving, silence, rest and prayer; entering into “a new dialogue on the way we are building the future of this common house”.


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