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EU: funds to municipalities to make free wireless Internet points in public areas

(Brussels) “Today, in opening the WiFi4EU website, we are moving one step closer to helping municipalities provide free wireless Internet points”. This has been stated by Andrus Ansip, deputy president of the EU Commission in charge of the digital single market, as he unveiled the European municipalities’ website. Municipalities are invited to enter their details before they are called to submit their plans soon, “so they have the opportunity to benefit from EU funds to open free wireless Internet points in public areas”. The WiFi4EU programme provides municipalities with 15 thousand euros’ vouchers to install Internet points in public places, such as libraries, museums, parks and squares. Municipalities can use their WiFi4EU vouchers to buy and install Internet points in the public meeting places they prefer, though they will still pay for maintenance. The European Union will provide a total of 120 million euros’ funds until 2020 to pay for the equipment required for the free public Internet points in 8 thousand municipalities in all the member states, as well as in Norway and Iceland. All information available at:

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