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The State of the Union: Tajani (EU Parliament), “bringing Europe back close to its peoples, by giving politics back its primacy”

“Today, the European Union is at a crossroads. We can hear the siren song of those who want to lock us up into our national borders; we can fool ourselves into thinking of being safe from the perils of the world. Or we can decide to keep on walking.” The president of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, gave a long speech that addressed security and defence, the environment, business, economy and work, migration and the relations between the EU and Africa. “The European leaders should not only tend to their own election garden. They must prove that they have a broad view that looks ahead. This is the only way to give real answers to our citizens about security, immigration or unemployment”. Then, he stated: “The polestar of my mandate is to bring Europe back close to its peoples by giving politics back its primacy and by defending the EU Parliament’s centrality and prerogatives. This institution is the bridge to cross the moat between the European ‘castle’ and its citizens, the key to reopen our doors”. “The United Kingdom’s withdrawal shows that we have not always been up to the challenge. But it is also real evidence that leaving the European Union is an irreparable damage. To prevent any new disaggregation, we must make our citizens get passionate about this great European adventure again. We owe it to those who gave us 70 years of peace and prosperity. We owe it to the new generations who deserve to have an equally valuable heritage”.

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