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Hungary: Orban’s triumph, third term starting now. The international headlines

“Now, Budapest’s master can sleep in peace: he will reign another four years on this Central European country with a population of 9.8 million, a nation he intends to ‘save’ and ‘defend’. And, before the outer world, that he sees as an enemy and a threat, he will boast he has found consensus again”. This is how Le Monde describes the win of Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orban, telling how Marine Le Pen, leader of the Front National, has been one of the first to congratulate him: “The reversal of values and the massive immigration supported by the EU have been rejected again”, it writes. “What will happen with Hungary and Europe?”, is the headline on the Frakfurter Allgemeine, considering that, “for the EU, an association of democratic countries, there is still the question of how to do politics with Orbán” now that he “firmly holds the reins”, at this “last stage of a longed-for illiberal democracy”. And it sees Chancellor Angela Merkel “put under pressure to make her colleague from the Christian Democratic Party, Orbán, listen to reason”. For El Pais, “Orbàn’s third win strengthens xenophobic populism in Hungary”; but the result also benefits European populism, which, according to the Dutch Volkskrant, with this victory “retains its unofficial standard-bearer”. “The only thing that keeps Hungarians together”, the Dutch newspaper goes on writing, “is fear”. The British newspaper The Guardian comments on the result by describing it as a “challenge” for the EU: “Used to fighting with Brexit, now it has to face a country at the heart of the continent that leaves behind the liberal values of the club but that keeps collecting its cheques”. The website of the Austrian Kronen Zeitung, the country’s most popular newspaper, is headlined: “Even if lots of Europeans do not want him, Orban is clearly a winner in the great battle for the mother country”.

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