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EU: “State of the Union” back in Florence and Fiesole, with Mattarella, Juncker, Tajani, Draghi and Mogherini

At the next State of the Union (Fiesole and Florence, May 10th to 12th), a yearly event organised by the European University Institute (EUI), the main topic will be “Solidarity in Europe”, because it is “an important crosscutting issue for Europe’s economic, monetary and tax policies, social investment, defence and defence and security strategies, as well as migration, climate change and energy programmes”. The meeting will be built around three days: day one (May 10th) will take place at Badia Fiesolana in parallel sessions, looking at the way solidarity is understood by each political area. The President of Italy, Sergio Mattarella, will open the day. The day after, at Palazzo Vecchio, the president of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, and the president of the EU Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, will take the floor first, while the usual “State of the Union” address will be given by Ellen Immergut, professor of political science at the EUI, about “the ‘futures’ of the welfare state: what role for solidarity?”. The long list of guest speakers will include the EU High Representative, Federica Mogherini, the president of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi, and a few European commissioners, political leaders, academicians and journalists. On May 12th, the meeting will end with an “Open Day” with cultural events at Villa Salviati, the university’s venue (

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