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Europe: Fafce about Alfie Evans and “One Of Us”, “replacing the culture of waste with a culture of life”

(Brussels) “Speaking to the European Parliament, Pope Francis warned against the risk ‘of ending up taking a new political nominalism for the reality of democracy’. And unfortunately this is exactly what is happening with this ruling of the European Court of Justice, which, levelling with the European Commission’s position, only confirms the structural lack of democracy the European Union is affected by, its distance from the citizens’ real life”. Antoine Renard, president of Fafce, the European Federation of Catholic Family Associations, comments with SIR on the ruling of the European Court of Justice, which supported the European Commission’s decision not to go through with a bill of law, as citizens had asked for in their “One Of Us” European Initiative, for the protection of embryos. “All European family associations keep firmly advocating the beauty of life at every stage, as much that of unborn children as that of the poorer and deserted ones. So that Europe may replace the culture of waste with a culture of life”.

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