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EU: Eurobarometer survey, wide gaps in European societies. “May governments step in”

Il commissario europeo Tibor Navracsics

(Brussels) “The majority of Europeans believe that most of what is happening in their lives is fair and think they have equal opportunities to make progress in future. However, the Europeans are not as convinced that justice and political decisions are equally and consistently enforced in their countries, regardless of social status, economic power and relationships”. This has been found by Eurobarometer in a survey, posted today. “The wide majority also believe that difference in income are too wide and the governments should do something in this respect, while less than a half of them think that equal opportunities and their social status have improved over time”. Tibor Navracsics, commissioner for education, culture, youth and sports, director of the EU Joint Research Centre (Jrc) which conducted the survey, comments: “Equality is key to the building of a more resilient, more cohesive Europe. Our initiatives in this area must be based on reliable facts, but they must also reflect the European citizens’ feelings and values. I am proud that the work done by JRC is helping us increase our knowledge in both areas, thus fundamentally supporting our efforts and our work to create a better Europe for the future”.

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