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Alfie Evans: Mgr. Paglia (PAL), “only with a love alliance will we be able to help him”

“The dramatic story of Alfie Evans continues to have deep emotional resonance. Considering recent developments, we cannot escape a strong discomfort, mainly due to the feeling of being at a dead-end where we risk being defeated”. Mgr. Vincenzo Paglia, President of the Pontifical Academy for Life (PAL), said this in a statement on the story of Alfie Evans, the 23-month-old English boy who is suffering from an unidentified neurodegenerative condition. “Given the problematic solutions lying ahead in the unfolding of the case, we believe it is important to work together as much as possible to find shared solutions”, the Archbishop added. Only a shared process involving all, a love alliance between parents, relatives and medical staff, will enable us to identify the best solution to help little Alfie overcome such a painful moment in his life”.

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