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“One of us”: EU Court of Justice’s sentence on the Initiative of citizens to defend the embryo on Monday

(Brussels) The sentence of the European Union Court of Justice for the T-561/14 lawsuit about the Initiative of European citizens – One of us – is expected on Monday, 23 April. Following the EU Treaty, the citizens of the Union, at least one million and coming from at least one fourth of the Member States, can ask the Commission (within its duties) to propose the legislator of the Union to adopt a legal act with the purpose of implementing Treaties. It is the Initiative of European Citizens. In order to collect the necessary number of signatures, first the organisers of the Initiative of the European citizens have to record it at the Commission, which will examine its object and goals. “In 2012 – says a note from the Court of Justice, located in Luxemburg – the Commission registered the One of Us initiative”. The purpose of that Initiative “is to put an end to financial support by the Union to activities implying destruction of human embryos (in particular, in the field of research, development support, and public health), including direct or indirect financing of abortion”. As everybody knows, the Initiative was welcomed in Europe, and supported by over one million signatures, the figure required before being officially submitted to the Commission at the beginning of 2014. On 28 May 2014, the Commission made known its intention “not to make any actions following that initiative”. Therefore, the organisers of the Initiative asked the EU Court to annul the declaration of the Commission. On Monday, the sentence is expected.

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