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Germany: Dbk, explanations about the “Pastoral guide on inter-confessional marriage and common participation in the Eucharist”

Today, Matthias Kopp, spokesman of the German Bishops Conference (Dbk), explains in four points the debates and rumours that revolve around the “Pastoral guide on inter-confessional marriage and common participation in the Eucharist”, a document that the Spring plenary meeting of Dbk has worked at. Cardinal Reinhard Marx “has informed the Bishops Conference” “about the letter sent by seven members of the Conference to different Vatican departments and the response received”, something that the Vatican departments have been informed about too. The Bishops submitted ideas for amending the draft discussed by the Plenary meeting, the final text of which, Kopp explains, is now being reviewed by the presidents of the Committee for Faith, the Ecumenical Committee and Dbk: “On April 23rd, card. Marx will report at the usual meeting of the Permanent Council of Dbk”. “The document was not sent to the Vatican by cardinal Marx”, since “over three quarters of the members” of Dbk endorsed the document as a “pastoral notice”, points out Kopp, who also mentions that the Pope said he wished to talk about it with card. Marx, in Rome, “a wish that the cardinal expressly welcomed”. Lastly, Kopp explains that “news that the document has been challenged by the Pope or by the Vatican departments is false”.

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