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COMECE: Mgr. Hollerich (president), “civil war” in Europe is “a strong expression designating the shadows that can engulf” the continent

Mons. Jean-Claude Hollerich, presidente Comece

“’Civil war’ is a very strong expression. One that designates well the shadows that can engulf Europe, if we do not act, especially if we are not sufficiently aware of the danger”. Mgr. Jean-Claude Hollerich, Archbishop of Luxembourg and President of the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Community (COMECE), said this in an interview with SIR news agency today, commenting on the speech by French President Emmanuel Macron. Taking the floor at the plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg for the first time, Mr Macron warned against the risk of a civil war in Europe triggered by the rebirth of populism and national egotism. “Populism is a serious threat”, Bishop Hollerich observed. “Simplification does not help overcome and resolve issues and represents a lack of democracy. Populist movements are largely based on strong individuals; they have some recurring key ideas and are far from being open to a democratic debate, also within them, as occurs in all political parties. They oppose a globalisation process that is not only inevitable but also increasingly stronger. And if we are not aware of the complexity towards which the present world is heading, we are not able to propose and implement policies that put the human person at the centre”. With regard to the role that the Churches can play in this context, the president of the EU Bishops said: “I believe it is our task to mobilise Christians for Europe. It is not for the Church to make concrete policy proposals. Europe itself is a project of peace, and Europe has always been a solidarity project, called by vocation to work for the common good. I believe, however, that people are not sufficiently aware of the fact that a Europe without the European Union would be a much more dangerous and poorer Europe”.

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