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Europe: Catholic Family Association Federation, paper on demographic winter. “Uphold the family”

The European Federation of Catholic Family Associations in Europe (FAFCE) asks the leaders of the EU and Member States to be aware of the “demographic winter, and of the need to act in this field by means of international initiatives”. The appeal comes from Vienna where the FAFCE meeting is just finished. The meeting was dedicated to demographic decrease in Europe and its “social and demographic consequences, which have to be faced”, without “losing more time, and without further excuses”, for the “good of elderly people, youth rights, and the future of our children”. In the meeting’s resolution, FAFCE asks for “the implementation of a policy acknowledging the unique, fundamental and irreplaceable role of the family within society, regarding the family as the first enterprise” to be defended. According to FAFCE, “a real family policy is not just social support; it is a forward-looking policy for the common good”. Young people intending “to take on responsibility and make up a family, with several children, are often discouraged by inadequate and individualistic policies, against the family”, it is said in the Resolution. Another request is “to support palliative therapies and health-care policies for home care, protecting the dignity of every person up to natural death” and, ultimately, put “the family at the centre of national policies, in such a way that demographic winter may become the spring modelling the future of Europe”.



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