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+++ Syria: Card. Zenari to SIR, “delicate situation. Regrettable to see divided UN Security Council” +++

(Foto Siciliani-Gennari/SIR)

“The situation is delicate. I can only say that it is regrettable to see divisions in the UN Security Council, especially in the face of serious events such as the recent alleged use of chemical weapons in the suburb of Douma in eastern Ghouta. Again, it is lamentable to see divisions in the UN Security Council”. The apostolic nuncio to Syria, Card. Mario Zenari, said this in an interview with SIR news agency, commenting on what is happening in these hours in the country where the winds of war blow and are fuelled by the declarations of the Americans and the Russians: the first are ready to “drop missiles and destroy launching sites” if Damascus comes under attack while the latter threatened, in a tweet by President Trump, the launch of ‘nice, new and smart’ missiles”. Last night, the resolution tabled by the United States on creating a new mechanism to investigate the chemical attacks in Douma was vetoed by Russia at the UN Security Council. Twelve countries voted in favour, Russia voted against, and Bolivia and China abstained. This morning, the European air traffic control agency Eurocontrol issued a warning on possible air strikes in Syria “in the next 72 hours”, urging airlines to “exercise caution” in their scheduled flights over the eastern Mediterranean region. According to sources cited by AP, the US, France and the UK are considering launching a joint military strike as early as the end of this week. Pope Francis’ appeals for peace in Syria seem to have fallen on deaf ears. “There have been many appeals by Pope Francis for peace in Syria, two within a week, on Easter Sunday and the following Sunday”, the nuncio told SIR. “Whenever the Pope refers to Syria, he always uses terms such as ‘beloved’ and ‘martyred’, which says a lot about the affection the Pontiff has for the country”.

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