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Poland: Holy Week celebrations begin today with “Confession Night”

The priests who will administer the Sacrament of Penance as part of the “Confession Night”, the initiative that begins in Poland on Holy Tuesday for the ninth time, have received a special blessing from Pope Francis. The project, which will continue until Easter Sunday, “is a kind of last chance for those who do not have the time to go to confession during the day”, the national coordinator of the initiative, Fr. Grzegorz Adamski, explained. So far over 200 parishes have confirmed they will open the doors of their Churches to the penitents, at least until midnight, during Holy Week. Addresses and opening times can easily be found on the website As spokesman Fr. Pawel Rytel Andrianik told SIR news agency, the Polish Bishops “strongly encourage the faithful to participate in the Holy Week rites”. The spokesman informed that besides the Stations of the Cross, organized “for workers, students and also for children in such a way that everyone, according to their age, can participate in them”, people in Poland are fond of the so-called “Gorzkie Zale” (Lamentations), the typical para-liturgical hymns sung in alternation by the entire people (like the Psalms) to meditate on and celebrate the Lord’s Passion.

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