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Sweden: the Catholic Church buys a place of worship in Motala for a new parish church

The Swedish Catholic Church has bought a church in the centre of Motala, a town in Southern Sweden. The news has been posted on the website of the diocese of Stockholm, which covers the entire country. The “new” church was built in 1925 and was owned by the “Uniting Church of Sweden”, a communion born in 2011, which includes the Missionary Alliance, the Baptist Union and the Methodist Church. The diocese “will have full access to the Church on August 1st 2019”, while waiting for the united Church to build one in Furulid, just out of Motala. The town has no Catholic parish church yet. There are 44 parish churches all over Sweden that serve the about 119 thousand members of the Catholic Church, but, according to a post on the diocese’s website, “the number of Catholics in the country is bigger” and has been estimated to be “about 150 thousand Catholics of all nationalities and languages”.

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