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Council of Europe: Tajani (EU Parliament) on immigration, “there’s no more time to waste”

(Brussels) Have you sent your well wishes to newly elected president Putin? “I haven’t”. It is a terse reply, the one the president of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, gave to a question asked him in English at a press conference during the EU summit. Tajani was speaking about the speech he had just given at the European Council. The first point that Tajani mentioned about his speech was immigration: “The EU cannot waste any more time to address the problem of immigration”. “A European policy is required that will prevent flows increasing in the next few years”. Tajani reasserts the European Parliament’s position about asylum (“now, let the Council do its part in the reform of the Dublin Regulation”) and insists that “in Italy there’s social alarm” in response to migratory pressure. “A Marshall Plan is required for the social and economic development of Africa”, which such flows come from. “It is a European problem – he states – and the European Union must take concrete positions”.

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