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Pope Francis: to Santa Marta Group, human trafficking and “modern forms of slavery” are a “scandal and shame”. “Support victims” and unmask “complicity”

(Foto Vatican Media/SIR)

“As leaders in law enforcement, research and public policy, and pastoral assistance, you offer an essential contribution to addressing the causes and effects of this modern-day scourge, which continues to cause untold human suffering”. This is how Pope Francis greeted the members of the Santa Marta Group who were received in audience today at the conclusion of their Conference devoted to “providing a worldwide perspective on human trafficking and modern slavery”. “It is my hope – Pope Francis said – that these days of reflection and shared experiences have brought into clearer light the interplay between the global and local aspects of human trafficking”. “Experience shows that such modern forms of slavery are far more widespread than previously imagined, even – to our scandal and shame – within the most prosperous of our societies”, Pope Francis denounced, adding that “God’s cry to Cain, found in the first pages of the Bible – ‘Where is your brother?’ – challenges us to examine seriously the various forms of complicity by which society tolerates, and encourages, particularly with regard to the sex trade, the exploitation of vulnerable men, women and children”. “Initiatives to combat human trafficking, while concretely aimed at dismantling criminal structures, must increasingly consider broader issues associated, for example, with the responsible use of technology and the communications media, to say nothing of exploring the ethical implications of models of economic growth that privilege profit over persons”, Pope Francis remarked. “I trust that your discussions in these days will also help to raise awareness of the growing need to support victims of these crimes by accompanying them on a path of reintegration into society and the recovery of their human dignity”, the Pope continued: “The Church is grateful for every effort made to bring the balm of God’s mercy to the suffering, for this also represents an essential step in the healing and renewal of society as a whole”.

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